Guide for Custom Apps

You can build custom apps for your enterprise and use them on any of your sites. These private solutions don't appear on the public Wix App Market which means there's a streamlined publishing process.

Step 1: Get started

  1. Go to your Enterprise Dashboard and Custom Apps in the side menu.
  2. Click + Create Custom App in the top right corner.
  1. You are now in the Wix Developers Center. Click Get Started if this is your first app, or Create New App if you're adding to an existing collection.
  2. Work through each of the relevant sections in the side menu:
  • Build Your App
  • Publish Your App
  • Manage Your App

Step 2: Build your app

Fill out the required information under Build Your App in the side menu:


There are two main types of component: Website and Dashboard. All apps must have at least a dashboard component, but you can have two or more components in an app.


To get access to user data – like a purchase made on the user's site – users must first grant your app permission to do so. If you need help setting this up, read this article.


All apps are given the Manage Your App permission by default. We strongly recommended only adding permissions essential to your app.


The following webhooks are relevant to most enterprise custom apps:
  • App Installed: Tells you when a user has installed your app on a site.
  • App Removed: Tells you when a user has removed your app from a site.

Step 3: Publish your app

Fill out the required information under Publish Your App in the side menu:

Market Listing

Your app's market listing tells users what your app is for and how it can help them. To get started:
  1. Click Market Listing under Publish Your App on the side menu.
  2. Follow the detailed market listing guidelines and work through these sections:
App Info
App Audience
These sections aren't relevant to custom apps and can be skipped
Pricing: Custom apps are marked as 'Free' by default and this shouldn't be changed.
Get Found: Custom apps are private and don't need to be discovered by regular Wix users.

Contact Info

One point of contact
The information you provide in this tab needs to be consistent for all the apps within your private collection.
You need to enter three email addresses:
  1. Support email: Used for support requests, both from users and from the App Market team. It's displayed in the App Market to users looking for app support. You can enter up to 10 email addresses, separated by commas. 
  2. Billing email: All info related to billing will be sent here, including periodic reports on how much money you're due, and requests for invoices (if relevant). Only one email address is supported in this field. If multiple people on your team need to receive billing info, we suggest using a group email address.
  3. Urgent email: Urgent support requests from the App Market team and important updates of features and changes will be sent here. You can enter up to 10 email addresses, separated by commas.

Translations (skip)

Not applicable
This section isn't relevant to enterprise custom apps.


This is where you can view and manage each version of your app. The version updates each time you make a change / publish your app.

Security & Privacy

Not applicable
This section isn't relevant to enterprise custom apps.

Step 4: Manage your app


You can easily see your app’s rating and respond to user reviews by clicking the Reviews tab. For more tips on how to manage user reviews, read this article.


Stats show how your app's doing against different metrics and timeframes. You can see how many users have viewed your app listing, added your app to their site, and more. You can use this data to inform any changes you might want to make to your app, depending on its performance.

Payouts (skip)

Not applicable
This section isn't relevant to enterprise apps as they don't use the Wix system for payment.

Coupons (skip)

Not applicable
This section isn't relevant to enterprise apps as they don't use the Wix system for payment.

Team Members

As the owner of an app, you can invite team members to contribute to your app and manage existing team members.
  • Owner: Can perform most actions in the account and is considered an admin. Only the Owner can request to close an account.
  • Admin: Can perform some of the same actions as an Owner, except for deleting apps, adding team members or responding to user reviews. Allowed actions include: Changing the app name and details, updating endpoint URLs and adjusting pricing, etc.
To Add a team member:
  1. Click Team Members in the side menu of the Wix Developers Center.
  2. Click + Add Team Member
  3. Enter the email address of the team member.
  4. Click Send Invite.
To Remove a team member:
  1. Click the Trash icon next to the relevant team member.
  2. When prompted, click Remove.

Company Info

The company name and logo will be set once for all apps within your collection and shouldn't be changed.

Publish your app

As enterprise custom apps are private, there's no need to follow our usual submission review process. When you've completed all the steps above, you should click Publish App in the bottom left corner.