Website Components

A website component is an element on the user’s live site, and its purpose is to help Wix users engage with site visitors.

Users add these components in the Wix Editor. Every component has its own settings panel – that’s where users can customize the component and its content.
Your app can have one or more website components:
  • Widget – a small element on the user’s site. You can choose to let users resize the widget and move it anywhere on the page, or set the widget to be pinned to a specific location on all pages.  Example: Tidio Live Chat app (a pinned widget)
  • Page – a page in the user’s site. The page appears in the main menu and behaves just like any other page in the site.  A page component can have internal pages, each with its own URL – so it’s ideal for apps that use deep linking (like a blog, forum, or eCommerce store). Example: Wix Forum app
  • Worker – a hidden iframe that allows you to run background JavaScript on each page of the live site. This makes it possible for you to track site visitor activity and manage background tasks. Since users can’t see this component, you need to combine it with a visible component, like a widget or dashboard page. Example: Visitor Analytics app
  • Embedded Script – this lets your app insert custom script tags to the <head> tag of your users' websites. They can only be added by the owners of Premium Wix sites with connected domains.