Adding App Component Details in the Wix Developers Center

You can add your app component details before you begin developing them, or once you've gotten started and want to test it. Here's how:
  1. Log in to your account in the Wix Developers Center.
  2. Click the relevant app. The App Component tab opens.
  3. Add your website components (Widget, Page, Worker, and App Builder):
    1. Click Add Website Component.
    2. Select a relevant component type and click Add Component.
    3. In the component info page, enter the relevant details:
      1. Widget: Name, Endpoint URLs (Component, Mobile, App Settings and SEO) and settings
      2. Page: Name, Endpoint URLs (Component, Mobile, App Settings and SEO) and settings
      3. Worker: Name and Component URL
      4. App Builder: Build your app from scratch in the Wix App Builder
    4. Click Save.
    5. Repeat as necessary.
  4. Add your Dashboard component:
    1. Select a relevant dashboard type and click Add Component.
    2. In the component info page, enter the Page URL and settings.
    3. Click Save.
Before you submit your app, makes sure we have all of your app’s details in the Wix Developers Center – your marketing materials, support information, premium plans and features, etc.